Vietnam: pig-slaughtering festival comes under fire
Xuất bản 25-02-2015
ベトナム・バクニン(Bac Ninh)省のネム・トゥオン(Nem Thuong)で24日、古来からの伝統的な祭りが行われた。この村には2頭のブタを カートにのせて村落を回ってから、広場で儀式用のナタで両断していけにえにささげるこ とで幸福がもたらされると伝えられている。しかし、動物保護団体などは厳しく批判して いる(c)AFP
VIET NAM, NEM THUONG : Every year the villagers of Nem Thuong, in the Bac Ninh province, process accross the village carrying two pigs, before sacrifing them in the village square. This ancient tradition is supposed to bring good luck, but is being criticised by animal rights groups.
2. Dưới là toàn văn của A-A. Phải tạm đoán là năm 2014.
Sign our petition TODAY to end the barbaric cruelty of the Nem Thuong Pig Slaughter Festival.
On the sixth day of the new lunar year (24 February), a small village in Vietnam’s Bac Ninh province close to the capital Hanoi, is the scene of horrific animal cruelty.
The climax of the Nem Thuong Festival features a slow public slaughter of two live pigs.
In the morning the terrified animals are bound in tiny cages and paraded around the village with a stress-inducing accompaniment of horns and drums.
When they’ve reached their destination, ropes tie the pigs’ hoofs to a ceremonial cart holding the animals prone on their backs while their heads hang over the edge.
A frenzied climax ends with the terrified animals having their throats cut and their heads hacked off in front of the crowd.
Following the decapitation, bank notes are dipped into the animals’ blood in the hope of procuring good fortune for the new year.
Animals Asia is calling on the Vietnamese authorities to end the Nem Thuong Pig Slaughter Festival. The barbaric animal cruelty is in stark contrast and ultimately incompatible with a vibrant, modern and economically successful country like Vietnam.
Về A-A:
Who we are
Animals Asia is devoted to ending the barbaric practice of bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals in China and Vietnam. We promote compassion and respect for all animals and work to bring about long-term change.
Founded in 1998, the Animals Asia team has been rescuing moon bears since 1994 and is the only organisation with a bear sanctuary in China. Our founder and CEO, Jill Robinson MBE, h.c., is widely recognised as the world’s leading expert on the cruel bear bile industry, having campaigned against it since 1993.
Today, Animals Asia has rescued over 400 bears, caring for them at its award-winning bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam. From its small beginnings in Hong Kong, Animals Asia has grown into a respected international NGO with over 300 staff and offices in Australia, China, Germany, Italy, the UK, US and Vietnam.
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